Online Programs
SME Acceleration Program (AcelerAD)
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Human Capital as a pillar for Strategy
Designed to support and strengthen the strategic role of the Human Resources function The program is aimed to provide participants with the knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage an organization’s human capital under the new profile required for HR professionals.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish
The Finance Function: A Strategic Ally of the Organization
This specialized blended learning program designed by IPADE Business School presents a new approach to the organization’s finance function, considering all areas of the organization, focusing on value creation, and supporting the core objectives of the company’s business model.
To that end, the program looks at the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) as an integrating agent that will take into account the environment, the future and the uncertainty of the current context.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Finance: Strategic Solutions under Crisis Situations
This hands-on program focuses on mastering the financial instruments, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills needed in times of rapid change.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish
An Integrated Approach to Risk and Fraud Management from the Senior Management Perspective
The program is aimed at helping participants understand and use the terminology used in risk analysis, understand the associated management tools, and gain a broader insight into the risks associated with corporate and operational fraud, looking into the drivers and implications of fraudulent behavior.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Strategic Organizational Learning Management
The program helps participants to adapt and transform talent management and organizational processes to ensure added value to the organizational strategy. It provides a deeper understanding of how to manage valuable learning tools.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish
Financial Innovation in the Digital Age
The program helps participants to offer financial services using digital technology to drive innovation and opportunity.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Negotiation: An Art And a Science
The program helps participants to master techniques and identify their negotiation style and enhance their skills. It focuses on experiential negotiation exercises using role-playing games and combines business language analysis with the study of behavioral sciences.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish
Challenges and Dynamics in Family Businesses
The program gears family business members to turn into positive drivers for the company’s success, ensuring the family unity and harmony needed to deal successfully with generational changes and strengthen the organization with permanence, growth and profitability.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Human Talent: At the Core of Organizational Transformation
This program helps participants to design new formulas and workplace management strategies that will respond to the current challenges to an organization’s capacity for change.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish
Organizational Transformation and Change Management
This program deals with key skills and tools to effectively carry out organizational transformation plans. It also presents participants with a clear methodology to identify the critical stages and activities of organizational change.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Valuation of Projects and Businesses
This program helps participants to proactively contribute to strategic discussions in their organizations and to make critical assessments of investment proposals Participants will learn to ask the right questions and bring a perspective that will add value from their respective functions while strengthening cross-functional collaboration and decision-making, ensuring alignment with the company’s objectives.
*This program is offered with EMERITUS in spanish

Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión: Cultura Corporativa
Sentar las bases de la inclusión desde el punto de vista antropológico. Reforzar la importancia de un tema esencial: la dignidad de las personas. Gestionar herramientas para abordar efectivamente la Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión en sus organizaciones.
*Este programa se imparte en colaboración con EMERITUS